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Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

  • Can You Read This Text?

    Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

Membership Guide

Explore Copart Canada's Membership Options

Copart offers three membership types to meet the unique needs of our buyers.

  • Guest Membership (FREE): Best for people who are new to Copart and simply want to browse inventory and create a Watchlist to keep an eye on specific vehicles of interest. 

  • Basic Membership ($69 CAD): Best for individual buyers who may only bid on and buy a few vehicles each year. This plan comes with limited Buying Power, which can be increased with additional deposits. Your deposit on file with Copart needs to be 10% of the maximum amount you wish to bid on a vehicle. Example: A $3,500 bid would require a deposit of $350.

  • Premier Membership ($265 CAD): Best for individuals and business buyers who plan to bid on and buy several vehicles each year. This plan comes with substantial Buying Power.

Become a Copart Member today or take your membership to the next level by upgrading!

Register Now     Upgrade Membership

Note: Registering or upgrading membership does not increase bidding eligibility. Eligibility is determined by your current licenses on file and state requirements. Learn more about Provincial licensing requirements, or consider connecting with a third-party Broker to help facilitate vehicle purchases.


What are the membership benefits at Copart?

  Guest Basic Premier
Buying Power (Amount) None Up to $2,000 before additional deposits  Up to $100K daily*
Buying Power (Vehicle Count) None 1 vehicle at a time or 5 vehicles at a time with deposits Bid on 10 vehicles per day; buy 5 vehicles per day
Online Auction Viewing 1 auction at a time Multiple auctions at a time Multiple auctions at a time
Vehicle Alerts
Member Preference Center
Saved Searches  
Special Broker Discounts**  
Exclusive Access to Member Appreciation Events  
Fast Pass Barcode Scanning to View Vehicles    
Priority Member Services Phone Support    
Safety Vest & Bottled Water Provided at Locations    

*For increased Premier Member Buying Power beyond $100K daily, please contact the General Manager of your preferred Copart location.

**Restrictions apply.

Bidders under a Broker Account cannot upgrade their accounts. If you are a Bidder under a Broker Account seeking more buying power, please contact your Broker.

Register Now     Upgrade Membership


How much should I deposit to bid on five vehicles at a time (for Basic Members)?

  • As a Basic Member, you can bid on up to five vehicles within your desired Buying Power

  • The deposit would need to cover the final high bid of all lots (at least 10% of the amount you plan to bid on).

  • Example: $500 deposit = $5,000 Buying Power.

  • If you bid on/win one vehicle for $3,000, you only have $2000 available toward one to four vehicles (until the invoice has been paid in full).

  • Basic Members should keep in mind that if they win a lot for $3,000 – our system will hold that Buying Power until the invoice has been paid in full.

  • Premier Members get unlimited Buying Power and can bid on many vehicles at a time without having to make deposits each time. To upgrade to Premier or add a deposit, visit our Payment section to see the instructions.

If I upgrade to Premier, can I bid on all Copart inventory?

  • • Individuals planning to buy without Brokers and other third-party companies may bid on No License Required inventory.

  • Getting access to more inventory depends on the documents that you have on file with Copart. Premier Membership allows you to bid on more than five vehicles at a time without placing deposits each time, but it doesn’t provide access to more vehicles.

  • To get access to more inventory, you may contact a Broker or provide business licenses and place bids as a business, not an individual. If you’re already a business and would like to get access to more inventory, please refer to our Provincial licensing requirements to see what additional licenses you need upload to your account. For more information visit our Help with Licensing page.