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Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

  • Can You Read This Text?

    Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

Register with Copart

Buying Vehicles on

Register with Copart

To start bidding and buying with Copart, you must first become a Copart Member.  

What are the different types of memberships?

Copart offers a number of Membership types to fit your specific needs.

Guest Membership (FREE)

This free Membership is best for someone who is new to Copart and wants to become familiar with our website before bidding and buying.

As a Guest Member, you can also:

Basic Membership ($69)

This Membership is for someone who occasionally wants to buy cars, such as a rebuilder, hobbyist, or consumer.

A Basic Membership gives you the ability to:

Ex. If you want to bid a total of $10,000, also known as “Buying Power,” you would need to deposit $1,000

Premier Membership ($265)

This Membership is for someone who regularly buys cars and/or buys in high volume. Premier Membership is chosen by most of our Members.

A Premier Membership gives you the ability to:

How do I sign up for a membership?

To get started bidding and winning with Copart, sign up through our three-step registration form.

Completing step one will create a Guest account, after that, step two will prompt you to choose the type of Membership that fits your needs. Once you select your Membership, simply fill out and confirm your payment details. Afterwards, step three will walk you through the documents you’ll need to upload to comply with the various provincial laws about buying vehicles at auction.

How to cancel, upgrade or downgrade membership?

You can upgrade your account by navigating to "Account Information," then selecting "Membership" and proceed to pay the respective upgrade fee. Guest Members upgrading to a paid Membership will pay $69 for a Basic Membership and $265 with a fully refundable $400 deposit for a Premier Membership. Basic Members upgrading to Premier will pay a $196 Member upgrade fee.

To downgrade or cancel your Member account, contact for assistance.

To request a refund on your $400 deposit. Go to the Payments Due page, select Deposits, then request a refund. Your account will automatically downgrade to Guest.

If you haven’t bid on or purchased any vehicles in the first seven days (including the day you signed up), we’ll fully refund your Membership.

Want to learn more about the Membership type that’s best for you? Visit our Membership page.