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2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON 2004 FORD F350 SRW SUPER DUTY for sale at Copart NB - MONCTON
6.0L 8
4x4 w/Rear Wheel Drv
Run and Drive

According to the auction, at inventory, the vehicle was “Run & Drive” meaning the vehicle: 1) Started under its own power or with the use of external jump box, 2) Was put into gear, and See More

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-/-/ H010
12/31/2024 8:06 am