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Can You Read This Text?

Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

  • Can You Read This Text?

    Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

Copart Tutorial Videos
Making your online auction experience as easy as possible

How to Find Details about a Vehicle

Learn about our Lot Details pages, which provide easy-to-find information about specific vehicles including vehicle images, damage information, current bid amount, title information and more.

  • 1:49
  • Tutorials
  • Transcript Available

Video Transcript

Welcome to Copart! In this video, we’ll look at our redesigned Lot page. The Lot Details page has a fresh new layout, making it easier to find the information you need to know before making a decision to bid and buy.

Next to the make, model and year of the vehicle are any icons which highlight certain features and the Watch button to add this vehicle to your watch list. To see the other 9 high-resolution photos, click on the image. You can scroll through using the arrows or by using the thumbnails at the bottom.

On the right side of the page is the Bid Information box where you can see the bid and sale status as well as the current bid price. Once you’re signed in, you can also place your preliminary bids here, or use the Buy It Now option, if it’s available. Below this box, you’ll see the sales information. This provides you details on the location of the vehicle and date and time of the virtual auction.

Underneath the Lot images are important details about the vehicle condition, documentation, damage and more. For added convenience, we also added a location and delivery map that allows you to see the estimated cost of delivery to your zip code. This will help you calculate the total cost of your purchase if you need transportation services.

At the very bottom of the page are Lots that you might be interested in based on your search and purchase history. If you’re done viewing this Lot page, use the navigation button at the bottom of the page to go back to your search results or navigate to the next Lot from your search results.

Visit for more information on bidding and buying with Copart.
