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Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

  • Can You Read This Text?

    Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

Copart Mobile App Tutorial Videos
For a simple bidding and buying experience on the go

About the Copart Mobile App

The Copart Mobile App provides an easy and quick way to search for, bid on and buy vehicles from Copart's online salvage auctions on the go. Available for Apple and Android devices.

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  • Mobile App Tutorials
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Video Transcript

You know who you are – the enthusiast, the shop owner, the dealer. Whether you’re usually behind the wheel, under the hood or on the lot, there’s now a quick and easy way to search, bid and buy Copart vehicles while you’re on the go. Introducing the Copart Mobile app for the iPad and iPhone.

With Copart Mobile, you’ll get exclusive access to our patented capabilities from the convenience of your mobile device. Biding and purchasing has never been easier. The interface makes it simple to navigate and access the latest vehicles, auctions, searches and locations.

With a simple tap, you can search for an item, place a live auction bid or counter bid to close the deal. You have the freedom to participate in Copart’s Live Auctions no matter where you are around the world. Join from the road and maximize your productivity throughout the day.

Copart Mobile can even locate where you are. You can easily find live auctions and vehicles based on your current position, and if you need more information, just tap to call a Copart location nearest to you.

Searching is simple. Search by vehicle year, make and model. Once you find your item, you can quickly view and swipe through full screen photos. Then, add your items to your watch list with one tap. Get fast access to your searches by saving them for later.

With the mobile apps alerts, you’ll never miss out. Receive instant notifications when you’ve been outbid, counterbid, won a vehicle, lost out on a vehicle or when your watch listed items are up for auction. Copart Mobile always keeps you informed.

With just the touch of your fingers, Copart Mobile offers a fun and interactive auctioning experience. We’ve designed our app to combine the best of VB3 with our bids patented software.

The freedom of vehicle auctioning anywhere and anytime. Copart Mobile!
