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Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

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    Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

Copart Buyer Reviews
Hear what customers are saying about Copart

Copart Member Review: Jerry Alvey, Dependable Cars

Watch Jerry Alvey, owner of Dependable Cars, explain why he's been choosing Copart for over 5 years.

  • 1:09
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Video Description

Jerry Alvey has been a Copart Member for five years and uses Copart to source inventory for his company, Dependable Cars. Alvey loves being able to thoroughly inspect the cars he finds at Copart locations.

“I’m not going to buy a car that I can’t hear run, or see, or touch,” says Alvey. “Too much stuff can be hidden. One of the major blessings of this company versus others is that you can come and look and hear them run.”

Alvey also loves the service and respect he gets from Copart employees. “When you walk in that door, they are waiting and literally it’s just like family,” Alvey says. “They treat you like family.”

