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1 Used, wholesale and salvage Jeep WRANGLER / YJ vehicles for sale

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$0.00 USD
Clean Title ( CT - NJ )
Normal Wear Damage
Keys not available
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- / - / A070
Item#: 0
Auction in 0D 8H 59min
$550.00 USD
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

Wholesale and Salvage Jeep WRANGLER / YJ Vehicles for Sale

Searching for Jeep WRANGLER / YJ online auto auctions? Copart has wholesale and salvage WRANGLER / YJ vehicles for sale in all types of conditions, from wrecked to lightly used. As a Copart Basic or Premier Member you can buy Jeep WRANGLER / YJ inventory though our Buy It Now function and bid on them via auction as well. No business license? No problem! Copart Canada Basic and Premier Members can search for WRANGLER / YJ vehicles that don’t require you to have a business license by selecting No License Required category. When you find a Jeep WRANGLER / YJ that fits your needs, the next step is to check the Vehicles Details page. There you can learn about the condition of the WRANGLER / YJ. Jeep WRANGLER / YJ vehicles that are in better condition (such as clean title, wholesale and used) typically list Normal Wear or Minor Dents and Scratches under Primary or Secondary Damage. There are currently 1 used WRANGLER / YJ vehicles for sale with normal wear and WRANGLER / YJ with minimal damage available. Copart also has wrecked and salvage Jeep WRANGLER / YJ vehicles for sale with more extensive damage If you’re looking for WRANGLER / YJ vehicles with more extensive damage to restore, we’d encourage you to get a Copart Vehicle Report avaliable for most Jeep WRANGLER / YJ vehicles featured in Copart online auto auctions. Copart Canada’s Condition Reports give you more detail than what could be found in the WRANGLER / YJ auction listing. Find a WRANGLER / YJ near to you! You can search for Jeep WRANGLER / YJ inventory by location using the filters on our Vehicle Finder or look at the Copart Jeep Wrangler / Yj Fl - Tampa South location which has more WRANGLER / YJ vehicles available.