33 Used, wholesale and salvage Freightliner vehicles for sale
Clean Title and Salvage Freightliners for Sale at Copart Canada
Copart Canada's Freightliner inventory contains 33 cars available for sale to both Basic and Premier Members. Browse from the most popular Freightliners including the Freightliner Cascadia 126, Freightliner Chassis and Freightliner M2 from 1999 Freightliner to 2023 Freightliner. Want to know if there's a Copart Canada location with Freightliners close to you? Freightliner On - Cookstown, Freightliner Ab - Edmonton and Freightliner Ab - Calgary have the most Freightliners available for sale.No matter what condition of Freightliner you are looking for, you will be able to find it in Copart Canada's online auctions. We have wrecked Freightliners for sale as well as Freightliners with Freightliner Front End damage, Freightliner Rollover damage and Freightliner Mechanical damage. If you prefer looking for clean title or used Freightliners that only have minimal damage, you can use the filters in the Vehicle Finder to find Freightliners that fit your criteria. And if you really want to feel confident before you bid on a Freightliner, we strong recommend purchasing a Copart Vehicle Condition Reports. These reports offer more photos, videos and information than what is available on the Lot Details page. Copart Vehicle Condition Reports can give you a better idea of a particular Freightliner's condition without requiring you to see it in person.
Our current Copart Canada inventory includes
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- 2023 Freightliner (2)
- 2022 Freightliner (2)
- 2020 Freightliner (4)
- 2019 Freightliner (6)
- 2018 Freightliner (3)
- 2017 Freightliner (1)
- 2015 Freightliner (1)
- 2014 Freightliner (1)
- 2012 Freightliner (1)
- 2009 Freightliner (1)
- 2007 Freightliner (2)
- 2005 Freightliner (2)
- 2004 Freightliner (3)
- 2003 Freightliner (1)
- 2002 Freightliner (1)
- 2001 Freightliner (1)
- 1999 Freightliner (1)