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Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

  • Can You Read This Text?

    Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

Copart Mobile App Tutorial Videos
For a simple bidding and buying experience on the go

Search for Vehicles on the Copart Mobile App

Learn more about our inventory search functions on the Copart Mobile App, including the Copart Vehicle Finder. These tools allow you to narrow your search while also being able to add vehicles to your Watchlist to monitor when vehicles are assigned to auctions.

  • 2:29
  • Mobile App Tutorials
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Video Transcript

Copart is your source for any vehicle and, with our new Copart mobile app, it's quick and easy to search for over 75,000 vehicles you'll find in our inventory daily.

From the Copart app home screen, you can start a new search by tapping the Vehicle Finder button in the middle of the top row of buttons. By tapping Vehicle Finder on your iPad, you'll see a screen with a free form text search bar and filters you can use to narrow your search on the left, or you can use Quick Picks on the right and tap the category tile that matches the type of vehicle you're searching for. On your iPhone, you can tap on the Quick Picks icon on the app home screen. It's second from the right on the second row of buttons or from the Quick Pick buttons in the top right of the vehicle finder screen.

In the Vehicle Finder screen, to narrow your search, just tap on the arrow next to the vehicle attribute vehicle type, year, make, model or location and add your preferences to find exactly what you're looking for. Then, tap the search button at the bottom of the list.

Once you’ve performed a search, you are taken to the search results where you can quickly scroll through and tap on a vehicle you are interested in to view its details. Tapping on any photo pulls up full screen photos with zooming.

From either device, once you run a vehicle search, you can also tap on the Map button in the top navigation bar to see where any vehicle is located on a map. You'll also find a shortcut to your most recent search at the bottom of the home screen to save you time.

When you found the vehicle you're looking for, you can add it to your watch list where you can monitor its bidding and see when the item is up for auction. Just tap the eye icon to add it to your watch list. If you change your mind you can tap the Remove button to take the item off your watch list. You can always access your complete watch list from the Copart app home screen.

To search vehicles based on your current location, tap on the Vehicles Nearby icon on the app home screen. You'll see a list of vehicles near your location. You can also choose the vehicles nearby on a map by tapping on the Map button in the top navigation bar.

The new Copart Mobile app is the place to find the vehicle you're looking for and it's easy.

To get started download the Copart Mobile app today. Just visit